Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times
Knowing Otherwise: Race, Gender, and Implicit Understanding
Academic articles:
“’All we have is means’: Ursula K. Le Guin’s utopianism as ongoingness.” World Literature Studies 4 vol. 16 2024 (3 – 17)
“Challenging Straightness.” APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy. Volume 23, number 2 (spring 2024) pp. 46-54
“Building Complicity with Another World.” Parallax, Volume 29, Issue 3 (2023) pp. 364-385
“Flourishing Is Mutual: Relational Ontologies, Mutual Aid, and Eating”. 2021. Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7 (3).
With Janet Siltanen, Xiaobei Chen, Aaron Doyle. “Teaching, Supervising, and Supporting PhD Students: Identifying Issues, Addressing Challenges, Sharing Strategies”. Canadian Review of Sociology, 2019, 56(2).
With Ryan Conrad ““This Is My Body”: Historical Trauma, Activist Performance, and Embodied Rage.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 33:2 (2018) pp. 449-453
“Implicit Knowledge: How It Is Understood and Used in Feminist Theory.” Philosophy Compass 9, no. 5 (May 1, 2014): 315–24 (9)
“’Women Don’t Get AIDS, They Just Die From It’: Memory, classification, and the campaign to change the definition of AIDS.” (Hypatia 29.2)
“Aspirational solidarity as bioethical norm: The case of reproductive justice” (The International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics; 6.1 Spring 2013) (21 MS pages)
“Open normativities: gender, disability, and collective political change.” (Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society; 37:4 Summer 2012) (35 MS pages).
“‘No proper feeling for her house’: The co-constitution of white womanliness in Shirley Jackson’s fiction” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature; 32: 1, Spring 2013 (34 MS pages)
With Trevor Sangrey, “Resisting Definition: Gendering Through Interaction and Relational Selfhood,” Hypatia 24.3 Summer 2009) pp. 56-76 (21).
With Pamela Perry, “Relational Understanding and White Antiracist Praxis,” (Sociological Theory 27.1 March 2009).
Chapters in edited books:
“Ethical polyamory, responsibility, and significant otherness.” (preprint) In Gary Foster, ed. Desire, Love, and Identity: A Textbook for the Philosophy of Sex and Love. Oxford University Press Canada: Toronto (October 2016). Also available in a printable zine-style format.
With Ami Harbin, “Race and Bioethics” in Arras, John D., Elizabeth Fenton, and Rebecca Kukla, eds. The Routledge Companion to Bioethics. Routledge, 2014. (preprint)
“Unforgetting as a Collective Tactic” in George Yancy, ed. White Self-Criticality beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem?. Lexington Books, 2014. pp. 57-68.
“Appropriate Subjects: Whiteness and the Discipline of Philosophy.” in George Yancy, ed. The Center Must Not Hold: White Women on The Whiteness of Philosophy, Lexington Books, (2010). (preprint)
“A Knowing That Resided in My Bones: Sensuous Embodiment and Genderqueer Social Movement,” in Susan Sherwin, Susan Campbell, and Letitia Meynell (eds.). Agency and Embodiment. Penn State, 2009
“Shame in Alterities: Adrian Piper, Intersubjectivity, and the Racial Formation of Identity” in Silke Horstkotte and Esther Peeren (eds.) The Shock of the Other: Situating Alterity. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007. Book series: Thamyris/Intersecting: Race, Sex, Place.
“Common Sense and Race: Nonpropositional Elements in Thinking through Gramsci,” in Joseph Young and Jana Evans Braziel (eds.) Race and the Foundations of Knowledge. University of Illinois Press, 2006
“‘Telling the Truth’ about Her Life: The Politics of Representing Experience” McGill University: The Centre for Research and Teaching on Women Monograph Series – conference collection, 2001