Writing for general audiences

These are mostly blog posts and non-academic writing, including book reviews and writing play exercises.


“Life as Fanfic: Individual and Collective Narrative-building” Aesthetics for Birds

Amid more shocking residential schools discoveries, non-Indigenous people can take action.

The Virus is a Relation

Containment vs Care (transcript of an interview with Against the Grain, on COVID 19 and lessons from AIDS activism)

Survival will always be insufficient but it’s a good place to start

Ethical polyamory, responsibility, and significant otherness

Misogynist trans-hating: Neither radical nor feminist.

Unclean eating for #settlervegans 

Claiming Bad Kin

A politics of imperfection, a politics of responsibility


Femme identification & Stranger Things

Teaching the material: Trigger warnings, what it is, and the ontology-epistemology thing

Getting it together as race traitors

Unclean eating for #settlervegans

Is it white shame?

Whiteness as method in philosophy

The problem with loving whiteness

Book Reviews:

“Anarchist Collective Practice For the Win” APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy, Fall 2022 (Volume 22, Number 1) pp 10-14.

Water and Ocean” – review of Eating the Ocean and Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology.

Nobody lives everywhere; everybody lives somewhere” – review of Staying With the Trouble
Grappling with the trouble & in the wake” – review of Brilliant Imperfection and In the Wake

The Problem with Loving Whiteness” – review of Good White People.

Toward Autonomous Feminist Politics” – review of The Color of Violence (Upping the Anti vol 6) 

Writing exercises:

Getting traction as writers

Not letting a quote hang in space 

One Hundred Words, Three Sentences

Good Old Freewriting

Impossible Task Exercise

On not writing about what we love

Grounding in why we write – internal and external motivations

Deciding whether to do academic writing right now

A schedule is a net for catching December

How do we move from product to process as academic writers?

Advice for grad students writing SSHRC and OGS grant applications

Advice on planning to finish your dissertation this year